Pregnant woman in red dress with her and her husbands hands holding her belly to look like a heart.
Pregnant woman in red dress posing on a bridge at the Botanical Gardens.
Pregnant woman in a green dress kisses her partner, who carries a young child on his shoulders, in a sunlit grassy field.
Pregnant lady in green dress standing with her partner in a pink shirt and jeans on the beach at sunset.
Couple kissing in front of an old oak tree in Safety Harbor.
Father kissing his wife's pregnant belly on the beach with their reflection in the water.
Pregnant woman wrapped in shear blue flowing fabric in a dimly light room.
Father holding his wife's pregnant belly while leaning against a fence staring into each others eyes.
Pregnant belly with a pink flower belt and note of the baby's arrival date.
Pregnant woman in a blue dress holding hands with her husband at the beach.
Pregnant woman in blue dress with a flower belt embraced by her husband while leaning against a fence post in the sun light.
Man on bended knee kissing his partners bare pregnant belly while she is leaning against a tree at Heritage Village.
Pregnant woman in blue dress holding her belly standing in the sand by the ocean.
Couple in blue shirts kissing next to antique car.
Pregnant woman in red dress staring closely at her husband with his red tie and black shirt and pants.
Pregnant woman standing on a hill while her husband hugs her pregnant belly on his knees.

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